Sound Healing With Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls & Reiki Sessions:
I am also a Certified Sound Healing Practitioner and Reiki Master, in which I provide Sound Healing with Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls and Reiki Healing sessions.
For more information on Sound Healing and Reiki please call, text or email me for more information.
A little bit about what Sound Healing/Bathing is:
Some of you may think what is sound bathing? Well sound bathing is exactly what it states, healing with sound or bathing with sound. Now how do we bathe or heal with sound? It all depends on the practitioner. So, how I practice sound healing or bathing is with sound bowls. I have two sets one is a seven set of crystal singing bowls made out of 99.9% crystal and 1% glass my other set is made out of seven metals which are called the traditional Tibetan singing bowls.
Each bowl has a frequency or a type of sound that penetrates the outer body and into what we call our chakra system. For those who do not know what the chakras are we have 114 chakras. We had seven major chakras. Each chakra has a frequency of its own. The seven major chakras go from the root or your sit bones all the way towards the crown of your head and each and every one of them is associated with a color so starting from the beginning. We always start from the root so wait where you're sit bones are where we connect to Earth, this is your root chakra this is the color red we will move on to the sacral chakra just above the pubic bone this chakra is associated with the color orange, moving on to the solar plexus chakra which is the color yellow, moving up to the heart the heart chakra which is the color green, moving up once more you have your throat chakra which is located right at the base of the throat this is a light blue to indigo color, as we move up the scale once more you go into the third eye chakra which is located right between your eyebrows or right in the middle of your forehead and this is a dark navy blue to a dark blue color and then finally moving all the way up to the crown of the head this is called the crown chakra and this is the color purple, violet or maybe even a pink pearl color depending on the person's aura.
Each seven of these chakras are aligned with a frequency that is also associated with their frequencies of the bowls and what the bulls do is again penetrate into the chakras to potentially semi unblock or fully unblock stagnant energy within these chakras. Once the chakras are somewhat healed with the positive energy from the frequencies of the bolts the bowls will push all this positive energy up through from the root all up to the crown and get rid of all the negative energy coming back looping up and around back to the root chakra filling the entire body with positive energy getting rid of all of the stagnant negative energy within the body making you feel more rejuvenated fill your soul with all this new positive power energy. This is what makes sound healing so unique and special!